Financial Planning Process: Expert Services

Simplify your finances,

simplify your life

Throughout our lives, we often worry about running out of money, whether we are on the right track, and whether our investments are doing the most they can for us. At I.D. Financial, we can help put these worries to rest, giving you more time to pursue your passions and interests in life.

3 steps

  • Step 1. Reach out

    Set a time to say “Hi” and to get to know each other a little- to see if we are mutually a good fit for your planning needs.

  • Step 2: Visit

    This is where we get to know you and your goals- your time frame, your concerns and your goals.

  • Step 3: Prepare to Set Sail!

    This is where we work on making steps towards your goals and are moving forward. We will still visit and make changes as needed- because life has a habit of changing.

Our process

Step 1: We identify your needs, address your concerns, and set concrete goals that lead to financial freedom. This is about your goals and concerns.

Step 2: We continue to get to know each other. We gather financial documents so we can get a clear view of your current financial picture.

Step 3: Everything in life carries risk. We identify a comfortable level of risk for you and use it to guide your investment decisions.
The "only guarantees are Death and Taxes" Ben Franklin.

Step 4: We take the information from Steps 1-3 and develop a detailed map that help to guide your financial decisions.
Often times there is a back and forth exchange to clarifying items from prior meetings.

Step 5: We review your financial map and make adjustments until it’s just how you envisioned.

Step 6: We develop an investment plan and identify potential solutions based on your financial map.

Step 7: We work to accomplish your goals as a team. If something is too big for our office to handle, we loop in other trusted professionals. All of us work together to accomplish your goals.